
A bit about me, Null-Ptr_Except.

Hello! Welcome to my website/blog. I hope this will be the first of many posts along my career as a developing Cyber Security professional, and hopefully I may even teach you something too! I’m a self-described purple teamer, leveraging red team knowledge for blue teams trying to secure enterprise environments.

A Bit About Me

I’ve always loved technology, ever since I was a kid. I had more fun unscrewing and taking apart my toys than I did playing with them half the time, though I didn’t really understand circuitry or how batteries worked.

My mom bought our household computer back in 1998, and she gave up on it almost immediately. There was too much going on, and not enough time to be bothered with it. Leaving it to me, I was free to explore and tinker as I saw fit. It was a wild rush unlike anything I’d ever seen before, and I was hooked. As a single mom, she was just glad to have something that kept me occupied, and out of trouble (the latter only held true for a little while). The internet gave me a sense of freedom and wonder that was seldom allowed to kids like me. On the internet, information was at my fingertips and I pushed our modest AOL dial-up connection to it’s limit.

A few years later, I began to tinker and mess with things. I found enjoyment out of seeing just what I could change and how it affected things not just for me, but other users too. Spurred on by watching Keanu Reeves in The Matrix, I was curious about computer systems intimately, and began learning basic command line syntax and programming, making my first ‘Hello World’ in C++. Out of curiosity, I discovered the DOS command line at school was open, and learned I could even make network changes if I applied what I’d experimented with at home. From there, I (unintentionally) became the bane of our local sysadmin’s existence. I rooted my PSP and installed modules to use the IR sensor to control TVs at school, play emulators, and connect to (poorly) secured WiFi. Hell, not even the vending machine by the cafeteria was safe.

After serving six years in the United States Army as an Infantry Team Leader, I decided to put my curiosity to work and attend college as a Computer Science student, with a focus on Information Security. I’m still learning, but the journey has already been tons of fun.

Quick Fun Facts

Programming Languages/Scripting:

  • C/C++
  • Python
  • Java
  • Bash

Security Skills:

  • Digital Forensics - Sleuthkit
  • Webapp testing - Burpsuite
  • Metasploit
  • Reverse Engineering - IDA, Ghidra
  • Log Analysis - ELK/Zeek
  • Threathunting

In addition to being a securty junkie, I’m also a Dungeon Master, Martial Artist, Gamer, and Cyberpunk fanatic. Talk to me about any of these and I guarantee I’ll talk your ear off:

Games I enjoy:

  • Bloodborne/Dark Souls
  • Monster Hunter
  • Mass Effect
  • Final Fantasy XIV/VII/X
  • Ghosts of Tsushima

Tabletops I play/run:

  • Dungeons and Dragons 5e/3.5e
  • Cyberpunk RED
  • Dark Souls

Music Artists:


  • Akira
  • Bleach
  • Naruto
  • Jujutsu Kaisen